Market Sector and Coverage

Market Coverage

  • Smart Solutions factory for power caters the entire social and corporate circles where power generation and control products, network solution applications and sophisticated programs are needed

Government facilities and buildings

Government facilities and buildings like ministries, hospitals, airports, municipalities and other facilities are high security zones and zones which need continuous supply of power. They need their separate distribution systems and have their own load data characteristics and demand. At power solutions we look into their load data analysis through tools and measures such as demand factor analysis, coincidence factor analysis, maximum demand and diversity factor analysis. We consider all the aspects of their requirements such as load management for lighting, load management and estimation for electrical appliances.

If you consider the power requirements for airports, you will find that there is a correlation that exists between the yearly number of travelers and the requirements of power supply. Airport has a lot of power requirements such a power supply and distribution for the runway lighting systems where there are normally 800 lights. The lights are fed through their isolated transformer's. The series circuits are fed by a current regulator and they emanate from different substations What we are trying to say is that we know all the requirements and have experience in handling all such projects through our experts who have hundreds of successfully accomplished projects to their name. We also know how to devise complicated wiring systems for alternative power supply for large scale projects. Power solutions have already rendered services for many government buildings and high profiled facilities and we complete our projects within the time period that we stipulate in our contracts.

our solutions and products cover

  • Supervision and control of processes.
  • Distribution or supply of power.
  • Control and monitoring of energy.
  • Utility management which includes ventilation, lighting, intruder alerts, elevators etc.
  • Data management for single and multiple sites

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